stuck in a rut like a rock in a hole a wandering stone who's forgotten to roll waiting for a change with a heavy heart it seems any moment my life will finally start
but then i begin to wonder once i'm finally there what have i been doing for all of these years am i doomed to a life full of inadequacy or is there still time to find my path to destiny?
the stars in the heavens forever be my guide if only i should venture to look up on these long cold winter nights the answer i'm looking for is just around the bend the love all around me beckons as a friend
the aching in my heart is a solemn vow that everything i need is in the here and now always be thankful for every up, down, and turnaround for in these moments the truest joys in life can be found
so buckle up and enjoy the ride there's nothing to fear with the universe at your side