Red, Purple and Blue, flickers above and beyond You Faint glow or shimmering glitters of a different hue Guides of solace through times of despair Harbouring the love, as unique tool, they could use to repair What as long been selfishly doomed unfair
Hear now the call or be lost in the plot Illusions endured, darkened reveries tied with a knot Loosen all grips, forget what we are not Forsaken, reckoners live their tales as a dot
To the Earth, solemnly we swear Our eternal pledge, to guard its lands and lakes like the bear For essential, is not what is displayed by those deceiving eyes But forever, is what is, still, behind the great veil of lies
Warriors conquer selves and be bold Indulge in truth and with all of your might behold Universe’s promise of a proper meaning,disguised in what weighs more than gold