You've ripped open the lid of protection You've torn down the walls of self-preservation I'm stripped bare before You - no covering of self remains Just when I though I had my kingdom secure Just when I though I had perfected the act of surety
I have girded myself upon pillars of another man's vision I lay in the vineyards of an angry man's dreams My vineyard I have forsaken behind walls of disillusionment Being yoked up with a man's burdens of works I look at the walls surrounding my hopes Vines of youth now overgrown and wild; forsaken and empty
You came with Your sickle and cut into branches of coldness and fear You tear apart the thicket of my soul to find hope of fruitfulness You break down the walls of separation and call me out "Come here! Come here! Breathe again the long lost breaths of refreshing!"
How do I depart from the expectations of those I am yoked to? How do I escape the despising of those who have created my place in this world? How do I go? Where is the trail of those who have walked this way before?
I see You through tears of fear and shame I see You through tears of desire and desperation Your eyes pierce through the deception I found comfort in Your arms reach past this world I found security in Your voice strikes into the center of a child's heart long gone in a world I don't belong
I want only You! I need only You! I'm ready to rebuild the old places I'm ready for the pain of purging Come, Lord Jesus! Come!