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Oct 2017
there's nothing quite like being rudely woken
by a cat - that sort of shadow you wish you
had to steer off the incubus...
     only the ugliest of the norse founded
      i wonder, as i manage to peck a spider
off the corner of my room, drink,
then eat it, and subsequently imitate
regurgitation, upon having eaten body,
and then finding the legs,
these twisting, coiling artefacts of some
sort of disembodiment...
  i really was planning to drink this whiskey
in the afternoon, then the rudeness of the cat
waking me,
              then the rage against the machine
and the idea of a buddhist,
and then the voice, that would never
amount to the said theatric of burn ******
         i can't compete being drunk and
it only being nearing 7 a.m.,
       i can only cite:
  paper boy took the day off.
                        and i lost count to
every counted sunday,
thinking it a monday;
and that's a half of a hey-yah! thong
    bridget huan jonson jerking off
the next nesting jose johnson,
calling him enrique joe.
                     or: amazon god king
conquistador it's sunrise you *******...
people have to "work",
yeah, they "work", they're
             they're the embodiment of
what's spectacular about
western society...
          high brow romancing of
      the averted moral spectrum,
like i really did begin to start ******* cockroaches...
and these women were my sunrise...
    keep the gangrenes,
the *******, the abbies...  
i love that term,
it's like reviving: greengrocer...
        like calling a pet donkey a
chihuahua and then for asking oral ***...
calling it a sloppy-jappy...
      as if it was aimed as sushi shooting
the raw argument.
hence the love of h'america...
no, i never admire or fashion
the idea of americans waking up
i the globalist part of new york,
that's gobalist, and the 24h oops...
oh wait, you didn't realise we were insomniac?!
fucl me... afternoon for them
is like pretending breakfast for the rest
of us...
        i think the dieticians call
it fibre, or something twice as hard to digest,
twice as hard to constipate out on,
and thrice the name of a wife.
i really love they didn't
catch up on the insult:
it's a bit like eating humus,
or catching the sunset.
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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