pray to god, you don't have the ambition of being an artist, under the wing or the roof, of a father who's a professional in either carpentry, roofing or any other industrial trade: your supposed "work" will be greatly unappreciated, or even ridiculed, esp. in an age when en masse piracy of artistic expression is not scolded, whipped, invited to a sojourn in an iron maiden, or straight off the word go: pay you ******* pleb, you ******* philistine - take to admiring a brick wall, than a ******* rembrandt instead; now choke on those giggles.
what could be worse than a transition from
the i.r.a. to islamic state terrorism?
i really feel, nay, i really pity the english,
for being such, absolute contemptible *****
to have managed to transition from
one type of terrorism to another,
oh so quickly, and stealthily -
personally i prefer to drop a skiving
venomous tongue into the affairs of today
& tomorrow than a bomb -
at least it has the decency & potential
to cushion the more serious blows...
well i know that some people are bad
at counting, or the basic arithmetic,
but the continual ignorance of diacritical
"arithmetic" makes the ****** greeks look
overladden peacocks donning jewels...
come on! it's basic arithmetic,
if you can't do the heimlich on the umlaut
on ö into a grapheme œ - or the same
with the æ in the case of ä...
just count, count for ****'s sake!
pattern become paa qui -
and *** becomes poot -
i admit that other diacritical marks
do not have this simple interpretation -
you know what, forget it,
don't learn linguistics -
just learn the diacritical idiosyncrasies...
i mean: how can a language remain lost
within a people, who sometimes manage
to utter the words: how do you say that?
or: i'm not even going to pronounce that...
fine! give me a woodpecker's worth
of an onomatopoeia, or just the dumber:
coo coo qi chew!
i can't believe i'm saying this as an acquirer
of a language, that no native has or had
managed to spot...
and only english, with its lack of
diacritical indicators has managed to fathom
the perfect zoo of accents,
they even crafted the zoo of accents
into a pseudo indian caste system...
oh **** me, it's there, just spend a day on
a construction site...
so what will it be? a scolding tongue,
a damning tongue, or the next bomb?
my offer: take it or leave it,
or pick up the next body parts...
i've simply had enough of this ignorance,
if the greeks are applying diacritical marks,
so should you! mind you: clear syllable incisions
in words, would do miracles to the phenomenon
of dyslexia, given that i find dyslexia
being an exclusive anglophone phenomenon...
and what do you do phenomenons?
you turn them into kantian noumenons,
or boxes, or the *per se or: res per se,
my... that ticks off both the revision of
pre-existentialism: phenomenology -
and combats the cartesian model of
the res cogitans...
**** it, i'll be the first to announce it:
res per se has just replaced the cartesian
res cogitans...
oh yeah: here's to thinking being replaced
by a slingshot, with being, being a strain,
a cushioning pre-release boiling point;
hence the combination of res per se
and res vanus - i'm empty up to a point,
then, out of nowhere, something akin to this,
- and yes, i don't like my parents,
i stopped calling my father by his initial,
and instead started calling him sixtus IV -
patron saint of the sistine chapel -
yep, i don't like with my parents -
i live with my patrons -
we disagree on a lot of things:
primarily my drinking habits, and my
drunken sudoku carousels -
but when we don't disagree i make
the dinner...
and when we do i simply jest at:
i'm done with this catholic mea culpa
*******... done, no post-scriptum to add;
- and yes, that just goes to show
why all of current art reaching the masses
is absolute drivel...
a bit like eating a mouthful of cinnamon
followed by a dollop of humus
then snorting a line of pepper.