ive been trying to build a boat that we cant sink out of broken bottles and moldy cigarettes you think matching tattoos will fix it you say "what about we get away for awhile" but i dont think wed be running from the same thing you said you're fast but i have stamina im trying to keep us both from running to the brink that place you cant get back from im trying to inject pins and needles into your bloodstream so the numbness of your heart is a distant memory im trying to power a steam train that only goes in one direction stop it from going through the hole in the tracks the bottomless pit moon crater holes in your skull where my words gracefully slip through and sentences fall to their deaths into oblivion id say we were doomed to fail but im not a pessimist you and your swiss cheese heart that reeks of neglect and bittersweet flesh; what if we run into each other twenty years in the future on a random sunny day and we both have kids and we both say hi in the supermarket and you laugh because my hair is long even though i always insisted on keeping it short what if you shook my hand and we just melted into on another like clay and we cohered that day in the supermarket and we never came apart besides that day we did and i left you for a beaten back bushy trail that goes all the way to new mexico because i never took the time to know myself before i got to know you and you left me because you insisted i left you for another man what if i left you a note on your nightstand what if i told you i built the boat could we leave out pasts behind us? would we have that itching feeling to reminisce? what if in another alternate dimension we weren't really us what if we met on a different day where we experienced the chain of events that took place in a different order would i even have a boat? could i float without your hand outstretched to hold me .