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Sep 2017
What if Cinderella didn't left her shoe?

What if Snow White didn't bit the apple?

What if Aurora didn't pierced her finger on the needle?

What if Ariel didn't want to dance?

What if Belle never looked for her father?

Can we be less hurt if fairy tales never put our hopes too high?

Can you imagine your childhood if the idea of having a prince and happy ending was never invented?

Can you imagine yourself having a bland childlike dreams?

Can you imagine yourself sulking with the idea of love?

But as soon as we grow up

Memories will fade

The dreams that we prayed for every night became lies

We discover that life was not made up of glams and love

Fairy tales was made up to save every child from early drowning of life's misery

Just like her

She once believe with happy endings and prince(s)

But look into her eyes now

She is broken inside

Crying her eyes out

For the child who's living inside her was killed by the reality that says

'Pain will be your friend, Rain will be your music and night will be your favourite time to wake'
Written by
Eunoia  21/Manila, Philippines
(21/Manila, Philippines)   
   Carina and ---
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