In area 51 they selected a large patch of desert for their nuclear tests! Fencing off the ground in a desolate spot where they estimated. The plutonium would come safely to rest the experts knew best!
Many explosions were carried out in the fifties no public knew the truth! But one crucial fact about the contamination as it lay in the dirt! Worms were not bound by their fences so undermining their defences!
How far would the plutonium have been taken transporting the lethal load? Birds to feeding on the worms in the earth what was their contribution? Too much secrecy and failed containment and tax dollars spent!
It will end up destroying a once ****** earth what now are the experiments worth?
The Foureyed Poet.
Area 51 always a mystery and in many peoples thoughts! This is but one of those thoughts! The Foureyed Poet.