You've met the people in my mind They live upon The Street It's near nowhere special anywhere They don't know the word defeat We all know people like them And I hope it jogged your brain Maybe they reminded you of someone else And if they did, I'm glad you came The bartender and Bluesman Harry Cooper and Old Cy The old man at the graveyard And all the other passers by They're all a work of fiction But, they're people we all know We all know a street a bit like this No matter where we go I hope that you enjoyed them And I hope some made you think I hope some made you smile And others brought you to the brink These people are inside me Their stories needed to be told But now that you have read them They are your stories now to hold I thank you for your patience And I appreciate the time You walked in a mind's garden And I'm glad that you chose mine. Thanks for enjoying "The Street" and it's people.