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Sep 2017
Half a bottle in and well on my way, to far gone tonight to care of consequence.
Through blurry eyes I see the clarity of it all.
Constantly guided as ever by a moral compass and inner fortitude. Ah, but to tare down this inner sanctum and free the caged animals within.
Like a deranged ****** of the human condition I remain a fly on the wall of the world.
So far hidden in self imposed shadow, the light stings my eyes. Filled to helplessness by another days worth of wading knee deep with the Haves and Have Not’s…
.. Still I wonder, who holds the key to my undoing?
Where lives this keeper of the passage to true life so well hidden…
.. Who drank my last glass….?
But I digress…
and regress ,
and obsess still over the smallest of things . I am but a tiny profit of immobility.
**** these thoughts that throw me asunder.
Cursed am I.
so caught up in my own brain.
Unable to enjoy a bit of well earned fun at the expense of my liver! Perhaps a proper mix of chemicals will lay to rest this angst,
this mind so full…
..this body…
or shall I uncork a new friend and simply try again….
Lee Lafferty
Written by
Lee Lafferty  36/WV
     Alicia and Haze
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