What if the world wasn't a cold ball of hate?
Well, I can say for sure, that would be ******* great,
But what do we ever do to deserve this amazing fate,
We have to make it happen, we have to deserve the bliss,
And my dear, you ask, how on earth do we do this?
Well, for starters, stop the hate, appreciate the small things,
Because my dear, incase you didn't hear, we've got a lot to appreciate,
What if the sky wasn't blue, and the sun didn't shine,
What if songs had no rhythm, and poems didn't rhyme?
What if we were all forced to face the fact, that god doesn't exsist,
Most people do believe, but believe me you,
We are given the choice, to believe,
And some people take this to the extreme,
Leaving pamplets on doorsteps about how to convert,
To make thyself holy, so no longer will their soul hurt,
My friends, this is all a lie,
And while you may call blasphemy,
You can't tell me it isn't true.
I dont even know how I wrote this.