I have a broken heart that no one can finger out ,a broken heart that is torn into a thousands of pieces, a broken heart that is like a pazzle that is hard to be finger out, a broken heart that is torn beyond repair, a broken heart that cannot be a whole again , a broken heart that cannot be healed , how many times will break something that is already broken, indeed my heart is torn into thousands of pieces ,what is left is just a pieces that is keeping me going ,why you keep breaking something that is about to be healed ,every time when I try to pic what is still left in me so that my heart can be a whole again, you keep breaking me ,can't you see that I'm already broken, when will I receive my own healing because my heart seems to shards down little by little how painful it is,can anyone set me free from the pain that is taunting my life, from the pain that seems to follow me where ever I go,please set me free because I can't take it anymore.