At first glance, the stone seemed an ordinary thing. Its surface smoothed with age, the edges and geometric shape seemingly unerring. It was neither square nor round nor pyramidal, but more closely resembling a trapezoidal figure. It had lips and valleys, edges and crevices. It was, without further inspection, a simple dark rock. But, this was no ordinary stone. If scrutinized, it could be seen... Millions of shining fragments just beneath the surface, disappearing and appearing, flickering in and out of sight when tilted different ways. This too could be explained away. It was only an unrefined piece of blue goldstone, right? Not so, for it was only upon the closest investigation that its true nature could be seen: when intently inspected, when held in just the right light, it seemed to fill the entire room with stars. In this light, you held an entire universe in the palm of your hand.