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Sep 2017
Long ago our fates were decided for us,
Long before our energy returned to the physical realm
there was a place where we all did the cosmic dance together, floating freely amongst our eternal selves. The pieces of us that never die.
But that was long ago
and now we have forgotten.
Now we see ourselves as independent from each other, as different from "the other."
Now we judge and hate.

Long ago a group of enlightened men pulled puppet strings in the shadows.
Remember "enlightened" is not synonymous with righteous.
These men guided the world in a certain direction,
the effects of their actions are more so relevant today then back then.
They decided what our fates would be,
lives of ignorance and servitude.
They chained us, both with metal, and with economic systems.
So very long ago,
but still we remain chained, unchanging, stagnant.
Like the air that we breath and the polluted lakes in which we swim.

Long ago there were people who tried to warn us,
and some not so long ago.
They tried to show us the error of our ways,
tried to wake us up to the truth of things.
But we rarely listened.
In fact, we killed these people.
The Socrates' of the world.
Now look at us.
Wasting our lives away economically enslaved to corporate overlords,
to materialism
to false images of who we should be.

Long ago a dark cloud spread itself across the planet
It has yet to recede.
It brought with it industrialization, slavery, hardship, bloodshed.
The cloud has even spread into our minds.
Heads filled with distorted versions of spiritually,
with an historical timeline of half truths and outright lies.
Only the facts that fit their narratives make in the textbooks.
Those who attempted to clear the cloud away were silenced.

Long ago Mother Earth was born,
she held images in her mind of what her children might one day become.
Like any mother she thought we were capable of achieving great things,
and she loved us unconditionally.
Providing for us, giving us her breast milk-
water, trees, resources for shelter and food.
One group of her children strayed from the path,
we human beings.
Now we hurt her like we hurt ourselves,
over consuming that which was meant for all her children.
We have left her barren and scarred,
naked and used
crippled and abused.

Long ago the father of the cosmos sent our molecules rocketing through space.
Omnipresent, he knew the monsters we would one day become.
But still he sent us anyway,
why would he knowingly subject Mother to such brutality?  
There must be an answer-
maybe he's seen something after this era, A glimmer of hope that my mortal self cannot foresee.
The truth can only be found back then,
but we are not able to perceive the infinite timeline,
So the truth will stay there, in a time long ago.
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