Running to and fro making squeaking sounds, every time I hear you my heart just pounds... I don’t know what you are, a bat, a lizard or a mouse, but you’re acting as if you own this house...
You stay here rent free, and you come and go as you please, But from your late night bickers I could do with an ease... You scamper across the roof all night long, As if you’re dancing to the freedom song.
I hurry to see what you are, but you are never seen, You become very quiet once I get on the scene... Show yourself you annoying little freak! I have no time to play hide and go seek...
Your identity you have not revealed to me, So I don’t know how to set you free... This is my house and I am not going anywhere, So you better find a different tactic, if it’s me you want to scare...
I thought the two of us could maybe exist, But from your scampering you could not desist... You probably tried, but I have my doubts So pack your things and get the hell out.