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Sep 2017
We spent our time
Apart and away
As if I was still swinging
On that swing set
Or walking briskly away from you.

You grabbed me by the hand
Held me in your arms
As we both cried
How odd it is
That you never shed a single tear
In front of my eyes
Until it was all said and done.

I know I behaved as if
You didn't exist anymore
Until I sat in the darkness
Of the theatre
Reached a goal of mine
And knew I had to revisit
In order to move on.

I'm still trying to
Why it is that you would give this another shot.

My answer was no
And its hard to write about this
As the sun comes in and warms
Because I know I'm choosing
A not fully formed path
But I suppose neither were we.

It just isn't worth all the strife
It was so much work to be with you
My darling
And I need and want
Something that makes sense
Is fruitful and easy
And a someone
Who stands next to me
And doesn't just hover
In the back.
Written by
OnwardFlame  Los Angeles, CA
(Los Angeles, CA)   
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