my poetry professor always preaches that brevity, that specificity, is the hallmark of good writing. this always feels like a slight to the inside of my head, chaotic and chattering. i wonder if he’s ever been to a poetry slam and seen a sixteen year old try to fit their whole heart into three minutes. i wonder if he’s ever written five straight pages free verse and wondered at which branch of trauma to cut out to fit the word count. i wonder if he’s even been a thousand people at once, crawling into stanzas from russian nesting dolls.
see, at concerts, i always have trouble deciding if i want take a video or just let the night crystalize in my memory; see, the problem is i'm liable to forget my heartbeat if i don’t write it down in detail. that’s my nature, i am too much or too little i am bad at letting things go. i am bad at leaving things behind. this is my biggest failing as a storyteller. in revision, you always have to leave something out. but when you cut the story in half, you muddle the meaning. so i don’t tell stories, i read eulogies. histories. anthologies. i am not a storyteller, i’m a record keeper and this is not dead poets society, this a society of poets who wanted to die but didn’t. i am always trying to explain the inside of my head to other people who don’t think in colors and disjointed poetry and i am always falling short.
hey kids, long time, no poetry! i've been writing a fair bit but here's just a little something for now