you have to be kidding me! first you export all the manual, masculine jobs to china, and then... you have the audacity to do this?! i mean, beards? are we going to actually work, or ponce around doing louis xiv swirls and scoffing cakes like an antoinette - of all people, the french are complain that they can't keep up with eastern european post-communists... yeah, that 36 hour week must be so difficult, esp. when you've stopped scruffing yourself in: "philosophy" over a *** and coffee; poncy wankers... the 'ole lot of 'em! yeah yeah, just ******* to the gym to feel what "work" feels like... ask any roofer: you go to the gym? and he'll reply: ever stuck your head into a boiler filled with melted tar? you wanna? **** smells like roses in winter, it's kinda addictive, probably as safe as sniffing glue, but you get the idea. beards?! beards are menacing? oh, you're not tending to your "garden"... ah, i see, if i had two stumps for arms you'd employ me, but if i had both hands (and a beard) you'd reconsider... this is great! i can't even be sarcastic about this: arbeit macht frei all the way, the grand export... vollbart macht frei von arbeit - hey, hey! it's my decision whether i like seeing my double chin or not! how's that translation coming along? a beard makes you free from work? woooo! and it ******* rhymes! nice... pat on the head, matthias.