They did not know our beautiful bonding Some people question why we are so close to each other And why one is not jealous of the other They did not understand that even true friendship cannot compare our beautiful bond When I need help you are there with open arms like mother When I want to say something no one can relate I can talk to you When my mind is getting annoying worrying over stupid things that never happen you calm me down with your wisdom words You shared my fantasy We both love the same video games and you always suggest great anime and music We talk a lot of things no one can relate to We both get excited about cosplay events And imagine we are in anime world No one can match that beautiful bonding You even help me to not feel alone and lonely You are the half of me and I am never complete without you They want to compare us they want me to get affected But they know it does not matter Because in the end, you will always pick me In this world full of people I know when you will have to choose among your friends You always pick your sister There are always you and me No one else in between Sometimes there are fight and insecurity But that just pass by Because what heart says is all that matters And I always want the best for you Because you are the best for me