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Sep 2017
im tired of trying
to hold up that wall
of keeping a smile on my face
when its not true at all

all i see is someone whos tired
every time i look in the mirror
someone who shouldnt exist
just one big error

i thought self harm was the answer
but it just made things worse
and no one hears me no matter how loud i scream
so in the end it just leaves me hoarse

i cry and i cry
but no one seems to care
im just insignificant
and it feel like im being deprived of the air

im tired of trying
to do what seems right
it leaves me so exhausted
because it takes all my might

because its so hard to handle
the pain i feel all the time
and it so hard to bear
that im about to cross that line

its like im just a puppet
to all their little games
and i try and try
but it just reminds my of the pains

of every ones disapproval
of all their dissapointment
and the pain is within
which cant be reached by medicine or ointment
in any time of darkness, just remember to look for the light ,or anything that will shine in the darkness for you to bring you back. you are beautiful for yourself and always remember that.
Written by
Xeki  19/Trans/Washington
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