I think I'm a **** and that I have to lurch that I'm what is known as a high **** or herk. But I know how to flirt. That I should compensate chortle chortle All for the sake of movement of mental health. I realize I'm kind of a wet blanket, objecting to things that might make for parishioners and I don't think I'm a voice in the wilderness or of course the vox populi, but I like the think I'll sink or swim on a whim of a hint of that very same sink or swim when it comes to good mental health I call it or new trends in things It's because of my bitterness for not changing with the times or just lack of self-esteem who knows why as if I'm complex and trying to be my own psych tech. I'm sorry for reiterating this subject several times before. I know there's only one way to describe a mental state but that's just not true