in our vast perpetual state of existence many are those that run with the resistance they graduate from hate to hate never stop to seal their fate
inside they hide behind four walls that bind yet there are those that soar to reach heaven's door a beacon of light in need of love it's like a jungle sometimes it makes me wonder
a challenge to be free is a question of time but its a noble deed to share your faith in certain circles which resonate a child like state of existence
we can be blind from all social demise but a word to the wise Satan knows the word of God to many have bitten off more then they could ever chew
for what are we to do saturate your hearts and minds with the truth of God's word take heed to what you learned & heard in this times of lax lets turn to the Lord
you have to dig deeper then ever before learn by your mistakes lest i implore God is soveriegn & has a plan for you choose the narrow path where hearts bleed