you made your choice you had a voice for years you resisted now its clear there is a place in Hell for you you walked on egg shells in your meager existence which you joined in the resistance be assured there will be weeping, wailing & gnashing of teeth heaven was once your eternal home but you decided to go on your own loving the pleasures of this evil world more the God your head was caught up in a cloud to serve sin, self & Satan sin is actions in which humans rebel against God Miss there true purpose for there lives Surrender instead to the prince of the air More then God cause all there deeds were evil now your being stuck in the middle playing secong fiddle one foot in heave while the other is in Hell Satan's laughing spreads his wings with a cold clap in the dark eyes with spots having holes lovers of pleasure more then lovers of God yet in the end they will be ****** the lover of life is not the sinner the less that you give your a taker evil minds that plug destruction