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Aug 2017
em... why would i be jealous of rich people?
aren't these the same types
that have private pools, and private cinemas,
and own private pool tables?
why would i be jealous of these
                   can't i go to a communal
swimming pool, become annoyed
the people having the need
        to eat during a movie?
who's shutting down the pubs and their
pool table spaces if not, these,
         "flea" infested brats?
oh i don't mind, but they're aided by the internet
mailing system...
   the mail in get these days is as
pointless as: receiving a roll of toilet paper...
i swear to god...
            i might as well get toilet paper mailed
to ensure there's a worth to a mailing address...
but society as such has imploded,
the rich have literally extracted communal
artefact altars into their homes,
and, at the same time,
shut off the pubs and made them into
   well done... clap clap?
                   seriously, if you have *******
troubles with your gay.f.,
                 go to a brothel, and then come
back to me asking what the freudian
madonna-***** complex is about... mmm'k?
nope... i'm too drunk to be welcoming,
nice, or sincere...
well, unless that's a shot of tequila and a slice
of lemon, then we're talking...
otherwise? you're just about the same worth
as the indigestion i'm experiencing;
enfilade! mothercucker! eye cojino! he-ena
****! caracucas!

       o.k., i admit, that's ****** english,
fake me xi xi co can...
11 11? no: ksi ksi... mexican, oh ****,
try working with retards,
it seems easier to train a chimp...
         (what about rehab with a russian?
never mind)...
            hyena... right... where was i?
madonna-***** complex, and the brothel?
you know how lovely puerto rican blubber
is in amsterdam?
     me neither, ask me when
it's shining the red light district hue of
         i'll be all over it guv:
in nick-tome, nig-tone, pidgin -
  pigs drank gin(?)... between me and you:
i hate gin... or 5 p.m.,
   esp. with a tonic, and mint chockies...
        problem comes with patois...
i had a girl who "culturally appropriated"
donning dreads...
   so what's that?
        we can reopen auschwitz?
  just asking, hands in the air...
    mind you, i have an annoying cat
that keeps ******* in my room,
   you want me to gauge his eyes out?
no problem, let me **** on him first.
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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