I'm that person that you would befriend just to get close to my pretty friends, sisters or cousins. I'm that person who'll be there for you when you're bored and you need to pass time. I'm that person who you turn to rant but once you feel better, you disappear.
"Thank you for being there for me. You're a good friend," they'll Say. Sometimes not at all. They say I'm great to be friends with and although I appreciate it, sometimes it gets tiring.
I'm tired of being that person where I would make an effort to look good but no one would bat an eye and think I'm pretty. I'm tired of being that person who gets to listen to someone I like very much, talking about who they like. I'm tired of being that person who listens to people but no one listens to me when I need someone to talk to.
Thank you for trusting me and for appreciating me as a friend But you're another reason why I'm wondering what I did wrong as I stay in alone on Saturday nights, date-less.