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Aug 2017
the people who i live with, actually don't me drinking... i missed whiskey, so i have to add: they might cite that i stink of alcohol in the morning, but by the time i forge a cure for the dehydrated body with 2 pints of water + squash, and do the chores... well? tomorrow i'll be making a hungarian dish... potato scruffs with a goulash sauce inviting beef to simmer... scruffs? finely grated potatoes, flour, eggs... fried... served with a welcome helping of horseradish infused coleslaw.

at around the no. 9263 it happens,
an european making
a minimalist statement concerning
the asiatics "appropriating"
their overt simplification of numbers,
and it happens to the best of us,
we, who say: sure as ****,
the chinese didn't invent the wheel,
or the omicron, or the zero...
toothpicks, matchsticks, fireworks?
hell, yeah, but the O / 0?
not them...
                  hardly... just like the whole
biological big bang theory of africa:
more like much bling when african culture
was translated in america,
thanks for the jazz though,
at least i get a breather from classical
music, and i'm still trying to find
a touch of hope's worth of appreciation
for *philip glass
- ******* hard,
esp. since i can stomach górecki...
penderecki though?
     should i attest listening to him with
my cooking skills?
banging pots and pans, thumping against
piano keys with clocks?
i heard you have a fetish for swedish cinema,
that would be a worthwhile scene, mind you.
   the chinese are good at mathematics
because it's the first time they've
managed to see "letters"...
from 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9...
finally! the chinese expressed! letters!
units! clear distinctions!
    the chinese don't have letters,
they have syllables...
or what the greeks call letters by: nouns -
omega for an ω..
       or alpha for an α...
why do you think the chinese are so good
at mathematics? they only have the "patience"
for ten "letters": 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9...
  that's the chinese "alphabet"... that's it!
the rest shoo shang shee bollocking...
call them what they are:
ideograms, icons, whatever,
there was no point building the great wall
of china... funny... i thought
the grand canyon would be more
visible from space...
   you already have the borders in
the language, intact...
        shweng shui show!
           if you have a complex phonetic
system, you will evidently excel at the theory
of numbers... given that you have
no letters, but syllables...
          hence the haiku perfection -
the haiku already sets the explanation...
different thing minding the japanese puzzle...
might look chinese, but hardly is,
by no. 9263 in the sūdokú marathon
in a newspaper supplement...
       once the puzzle is nearly complete,
you can forget the matchsticks
          and the chopsticks,
what you're actually left with is
the following:
                                   =       +,
i've understood my limit, never to attempt
a samurai version,
   the samurai bit came via a theoretical
nearing the end of solving a sūdokú,
that's all you're left with,
well...    more like                   ||       +       =
oh, look,                                                □,
count the chopsticks...
         10!      9/10ths...
         or? 9 squares in a single square...
but that was to be expected,
      with only ten "letters" as compared
to 24 (greek) or 26 (english) -
      you'd expect perfectionism
in mathematical affairs...
               given that the greek decided
to craft syllables for letters,
that later the barbarians adopted as nouns
in their scientific endeavours...
after all: π is an elongated sentence of
god's sigh: the perpetual gagging of ouroboros,
the squashed-omicron's genius component,
hidden within rotating order, flagged
by the un-seemingly chaotic linear pattern
of change, with glitches of cliches,
of the lost surprise of: history repeats itself.
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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