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Aug 2017
I'm a cheap hotel room
                   With a story to tell
                    I look pretty shabby
                   And I'm not very well
                    I'm used and abused
                    My paintwork is old
                   The owner keeps the heating low
                        And I'm constantly cold!...

                        My tap in my ensuite
                      Monotonously drips
                     I'm fed up with the couples
                   Who use me for naughty day trips!
                     They scuff up my skirting boards
                          And trample on my bed
                        They lounge in my armchair
                         But it's the children I dread!

                     I'd love to be modern
                  All streamlined shiny- new
                  Please tell my owners
                    As they haven't got a clue?

           My windows are grimy
            And my carpet too
         Oh!.. don't go into my toilet
          As there's a crack in my loo!

           I want to be boutique
          Urban and cool
         With french windows, verandah
          Leading down to a pool

        But , alas, l am a sad little room
        Like a rose that has blossomed
         But now.. lost its bloom....
Geraldine brennen
Written by
Geraldine brennen  66/F/Bath somerset
(66/F/Bath somerset)   
     --- and Ryan Holden
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