I think I'll always be in love with him The way he punched my dashboard (It needed a little decoration anyway) And kept me up at night Speeding through my head It's romantic, telling someone they're a **** ya know. I'll always love how he taught me to wear a lot of makeup To cover the blotchiness of my swollen face And the lip I couldn't stop biting Yes, without him, Where would my contour game be? I'll always love the way he was crazy in love with me Not queen B kind of crazy Leave notes in your mailbox crazy Make new numbers to get past the blocked ones Crazy, how passion works huh? They say a man of the pen is hard to come by I think I'll always love him For making me take some personal time And not talk to anyone Even my dad on the car ride to school My lovely, giving father I don't think I could have lasted without that silence anyway.
Yes, I'll always love you I know it's a wish come true That I finally hate myself More than you hate you
This ones a really personal one. Enjoy, reminisce, find yourself in this if you can