Upon paper wings, He did mount his throne Made of gold & jewels.
His treasure a product of the tearduct bleeding money from The State & Shepard.
The spiral of the drain. The way she whispers the taste of *****. The way skies spell the taste of mildew, mild sun, & the dawn of churning corn silk for the grove tender.
Ashes among & upon the frozen oranges still growing on branches; Their heart still beating.
Still beating among & amidst the death rattle, death shroud. Even upon the ****** tassels, hanging from the cloud shaped like a gun.
Icicles like a noose hang from the Beard of The King, Which are the clouds; The birds; The ocean of the sin & spoiled milk.
In my throat.
Invocation of throat.
Upon paper wings they drifted like a swan, Made of gentle hate & casual love.
As a goat were to smile with her & his heart, so are the wings infinate in their divinity.