Many live in their own way mocking those who cannot assume a mantle most embrace this is my struggle every day feeling normal in my skin waking at the sunrise time without putting on masks chosen from the wall with care
play pretend like a child with the stakes all too high when the others could find out they would then end my life the garments I’d like to wear draw the looks of despair judgment cast upon the one with desire to fully live
tuck or bind is requisite to match the image in my head asking for the extra measure other folks take for granted health is pushed to compensate for the measures I must take holding in what others don’t because there’s no room I can go
remedies for the castaway without tribe that understands island seeking identity another child of God’s pure light these are my cross I must bear on my body, not on the wall this is the difference between two groups those who struggle and those who curse.
“Those Who Struggle” is about the ******* experience. Gender identity, separate from ****** preference or romantic preference, is pursued for the integrity of an individual. The struggle is real, often invisible, and very urgent for wholeness attained.