only the solos not deviating from the rhythm, the original boy-band, i.e. the jazz band... the only black appropriation of alex dumas... the one for all, and all for one... i hate soloists that deviate from the groove of rhythm of all the remaining instruments... keep it nice, sweet, let's keep it as ***, and not a jerking-off antic of excesses... if you keep that parody of cool, you might as well turn to carpentry for lack of a better expression, nonetheless perfected with that ideal: chop chop chop: you ******* spawned air-guitar! that's not cool... i don't care how technical you are... if their's no solidarity like there's always and always was in a jazz band... you're just as much knocking on a lake surface, thinking it will turn into a sea by our command.
may i suggest, landing at the warsaw *modlin airport during a late evening? even i was bewildered, being a native born... so much darkness... the whole land breathes something feral; sun-bathers of north africa have a wall of china obstacle to conquer... oh right... nazis, communists... & mongols: an englishman? **** in boots... my my, what a massive gob in africa.... looks kind'ah tiny back in europe... gets *****-slapped almost everyday... you sure this is the same person? i'm not convinced... i have to ask the manchester kindergarten beauties who never heard the next one direction single: should they ever regropup; and i am a musical pedant, but come on, the bass rhythm and shy drums on the intro of the song bring me down... even someone like me loves justin bieber's love yourself groove, esp. with the fresh jazzy solo - i got bored of guitar solos when they turned it into air solo competitions; come on ******, bring back the jazz etiquette aesthetic, stop your ******* rambling of (c)rap.