Every time you kiss me, a poet is aroused to birth a new verse filling up the universe with prophetic words that alter the very fiber of the earth.
People begin speaking in tongues, war finally finds its peace, sparring lovers call for armistice, flags of hate turn to love, anxiety finds its beloved calm, and all of that happens…. when you kiss me.
When you kiss me, I see all the melodies Mozart thought of ………………………. but never wrote. I see Jesus preaching to the multitudes. I wave to Buddha, as your breaths engulfs me in your selfless love. and all of that happens….when you kiss me.
I like Hester, wear my Scarlet Letter proudly, for I have not sinned.. but, having erred, I wear your signage all over me. For when you kiss me, Plato’s true form of the universe is revealed to me. There are no foreign letters to me No language unknown, Every kiss ever given by all the worlds lovers, poets, Don’t equate to the catalytic agent that’s created, When you kiss me!!