I met him one night in December... close to Christmas Eve When I walked in he had candles lit and some scotch for us to drink His peepers are dark and squinty His laugh is warm and lovely His voice is satin spiked with honey He drinks purple-graped-red-wine He resembles Dionysos Nature as a male He works with cryptic messages Amalgams and his speach is a rainbow of different languages Could of sworn I've met this man in some dreamy distant place... Palaces of concertos ringing when I study his copper face I had a restless wistfulness... A particular soulful malnutrition That eventually dissipated in our bathtub conversation I swear I would cross oceans In the hope that we might meet again I understand he has a habit of diving into fountains... He dances with gypsies on the street Sometimes I fail to see how someone as worldly as he could like someone like me I call when he runs by Vesuvius I want his extra time I always forget the 7 hour time difference but... when we talk it makes me smile