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Jun 2012
sweet Kali stands before us
an offering she holds
while all the skulls around her neck
sleep in a child's repose

there are many souls in limbo
they wander through our sight
seekers for salvation
seeking for the light

a universe lies waiting
a red planet full of stars
just beneath the lingham
that rests in Kali's arms

the dogs lie waiting patiently
while Ganesh begins to writhe
turning to a serpent
that writhes before our eyes

here's the minotaur from Jambu Dweep
wrapped in a golden fleece
telling stories in my head
the tales of ancient Greece

then Kali holds a severed head
cradled gently in her hand
while beneath the Shiva Lingham
someone lies upon the sand.....
this poem was inspired by the tryptich of my artist friend Druvinka
Written by
jose large
     Amit Narayan Satpathy, --- and ---
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