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Aug 2017
cherub bones come, well defined, as the ones ingested, with proper digestive juice, making bones into marrow; man with the purity of angels, as man might take to offal, comes sanctity prone to claim bone within the framework of marrow, or the temple of muscle and fat, as that which resembles the beating heat, no inner be worth the whither, as no outer the "clue"... cherub bones be akin to offal... with neither temple for muscle or fat, served for a rhetorical tongue... mind you: it's worth stating that atheism only comes to full fruitition with asiatic un-inhibition of culinary "studies"... perfected socialism? 1 billion chinese... culinary un--inhibitions... it would seem, the study of economics wasn't enough to solidify communism, one had to reach into the culinary sphere.

i'm getting bored, mate,
don't ******* bore me,
i'm getting agitated
by your freedoms,
esp. that of "speech":
your little
****-pack of worth
within a:
i have a dream* dyamic
is really
churning the johnyy cash
in me to sing
the advent of all advents of
   you inconoclast *****
                weep & mourn...
i feel the desires be long-lasting
    come! coke inflated
with the statements coming from
the lost cities of those known
by their diesel franchise
            come, come to the servitude
of expense...
          let us see the face!
how showered in pity you
have become!
                grind the bones
to grit, and then grit to sand,
and then? call it time.
        i would have liked the affair
of being invited into
the akin die krupps manifesto...
and the shattering,
the welcome in seducation of
  the men of steel...
now i live on youtube content
providers, turning
******* into ***-wipes,
   ***** that urged no notion
of a day of work...
                     the laziest naxis
of sorts....
instruments, of cherub bones...
      + the banjos...
                   i pity
no west having lost its libido...
i jut watch within the advnent
of continually failed attempts
of regaining it;
             this scare-mongering
isn't the last ask
of the the culprit moon-grit...
                   it comes as the first:
lost scenario of the fist based imprint;
if this be peace,
it be peace, served up akin to
                with naked fists.
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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