because what's actually worth celebrating? well, i always celebrate another bunch of words, another litre of ***, and, most obviously: another tomorrow.*
for a long time now i have seized to celebrate birthdays... only this year have i stopped "celebrating" easter: coming from a traditionalist family, with my great-grandmother dead for several years everyone in the family joked: she said enough prayers for all of us... my great-grandfather took the micky out her in that lovingly joking way anyway he used to say: you and your crows (priests, that's the slang term for a priest in poland) - i can't remember the last time i celebrated christmas, or should it be called: adverts from november through to january marketing mecca "holiday"? but it breaks my heart with regards to birthdays, i don't celebrate it - fair enough up to 25... but a bit like receiving voting rights, i think people have the potential to relinquish their celebration of something that's cake-worthy once the teenage years end... nonetheless... on the dot, i receive the phone call on the day... my grandparents... wishing me this that & the other... and... that's it! it's actually more painful to receive that phonecall, than to receive: no phonecall with besh wishes and what not. i grew out the candles, the balloons... what is to be celebrated, may i ask? as the cliche says: women lie about their age anyway, if they found a way to avoid the celebratory antics - me? i'm just waiting for my grandparents to die... cruel, i know, but it's much more cruel to receive a phonecall from them, "wishing" me a happy birthday... day like any one... now, if i remembered squeezing past the genital skin of my mother... that would be something... thankfully, man's faculty of memory and therefore being conscious comes much much later, thank god for that.