I have not showered I have not eaten I have not slept I have not gotten out of bed
"Just shake it off!" "Get over it!" "Be strong!" "Just pray about it!"
The ache in my head The ache in my stomach The ache in my heart The ache in my bones
"You are just too sensitive!" "There is nothing wrong with you!" "You don't have anything to be depressed about!" "You just want attention!"
I retreat I cry I stare I fear
"You are making a mountain out of a mole hill!" "If you keep acting this way no one will want to be around you!" "It's all in your head!" "I too feel depressed, but I don't let it get me down because--"
Frozen in bed Frozen in place Frozen in time Frozen in space
"You aren't trying hard enough!" "You are just lazy!" "Stop faking!" "You use your illness as an excuse to--"
I feel embarrassed I feel ashamed I 'm in despair I'm in pain
"You are being ridiculous!" "Stop worrying about things that haven't happened!" "This is why no one likes you!" "You mope too much!"
Stop Rinse Repeat More of the same
We need to openly talk about mental illnesses! End the stigmas.