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Aug 2017
Soon we start to gravitate
Into each other's
Where I only see you
And you
Only see me
And nothing, and no one
Else is important;
Conversational poems
Turn into an **** of words!
Orgasmically we come
On each other's poetry,
Spilling every emotion
Every greed and seed
Upon the vowels
And the verbs
And the adjectives;
And it will be like this for us
For days
For weeks
For months
Because we want it to last forever

Only forever is a doom
Particularly when the moment comes
And the ink finally dries
And the poems begin to fade
Further and farthest
Into a questionable memory
Until there's nothing left
But my blank screen
And your blinking cursor.
Hasan Maruf
Written by
Hasan Maruf  28/M/Dhaka, Bangladesh
(28/M/Dhaka, Bangladesh)   
   Summer Edmonds
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