For as long as I can remember I've always had this deep void in my life, It's this weird empty feeling deep inside of your gut, that you can't get rid of no matter how hard you try. It sort of consumes and eats away at you, You'll have very happy moments and then surprise! It's back. The feeling always comes back, it wont ever leave you alone.
The constant frustration to fill this void, something to get rid of all of the pain. What's the cause? I don't know and you can try to search for the answer But you feel the same sad emptiness every single day It leaves me feeling so empty and anxious like I'm missing a piece of life something that's a huge part of me and once I have it, I'll be happy and at peace I just need that one thing, this missing key to my life, and when I find that missing key, everything will be alright.
I've tried just about everything - friends, education, even material stuff, but no matter how hard I try to shake the feeling , it never seems to be good enough.