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Jun 2012
© 2012 (Jim Sularz)

When blossoms drop and withered fall,
one final drink from solace rain.
A chilling night, dark shadows steal,
lost seed that’s washed away.

Last tears subside, bright stars peek out,
a guiding light beyond timeless shores.
Tethered souls sail through faith-filled seas,
await Tide’s harbor doors.

Young restless larks preen at water’s edge,
launch wide-eyed and catapult free.
Neither stop to sow nor worry themselves,
instead, they just – believe.
I thought I would explain my poem to enhance it's meaning for the readers.   I don't want to sound ultra-religious, because I'm not.  Spirtual - Yes;   Religious - No.   I have no preference to any one particular religion.   I just need to explain my poem in terms familiar to everyone:

When blossoms drop (righteous) and withered fall (unrighteous),
one final drink from solace rain (death is the same for all and many times death is a welcomed solace for those in great pain - physical or emotional).

A chilling night, dark shadows steal (a metaphor for damnation coming for the unrighteous)

lost seed that's washed away. (they are lost seed and washed into Hell)

Last tears subside, (grieving is over for the good (and bad) that have died), bright stars peek out (metaphor for the doors of heaven opening and the eternal light passing through the doors).

a guiding light beyond timeless shores. (Time has no meaning and is from a source that is beyond our Universe)

Tethered souls sail through faith-filled seas, (the eternal souls of the good are tethered by a golden thread to our creator by their faith).

await Tide's harbor doors.(Tide is a metaphor for God or our Creator. Harbor doors is another methphor for  Heaven).

Young restless larks preen at water's edge, (Another metaphor for rebirth.  Water has particularly important meanings in many religions).

launch wide-eyed and catapult free. (In my mind, now flying through the harbor doors (Heaven) where the soul is free at last - in perfect harmony with our Creator).

Neither stop to sow nor worry themselves, (Biblical reference that the reborn (metaphor - birds) do not sow: Luke 12:24 Consider the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor barn; and God feedeth them: how much more are ye better than the fowls?).    There is great wisdom in the Bible, Torah, Qur'an, etc.

instead, they just  - believe. (It all starts with a prerequisite belief, be it Christian, Hindu, Jew, Muslim, etc.)

I hope you enjoy the poem!


Jim Sularz
Written by
Jim Sularz
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