She waves in a far off land One that I knew Like the back of my hand
And on the ever changing wind The bows flow in spiraling circles At the tail end of a kite That pushes forwards With all its tethered might As it swoops and dives At the command of the breeze
And suddenly,
As if with great ease,
It's back to its stable posture
Sailing proud and feeling free
And I know,
Like the kite,
Where I to would like to be
Released from the hand And sent forth to fly across the land In hopes of where birds and clouds do tell Drifting peacefully with messages for the beauty fair Who stays and waits in a far off place That she could hear the words uttered by a man Left blowing for the wind to understand
And there he stands still.
All the while watching that kites proud flight, At its greatening height, Holding the string within his hand