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Aug 2017
it wouldn't be a lunch, had it also been
a breakfast in one go...

    french toast...
    sour-crust bread dipped in beaten eggs,
and then fried,
   with a glass of milk as
the compliment.

    about an hour later...
a salad:

       baby beetroot leaves,
cherry tomatoes
    romaine lettuce,
    a red onion,
   black olives,
fetta cheese
   hmm, mmm hmm ha...
a pear!
           left for a while
   in water with a slice of lemon...
and then a bit of chilli infused
olive oil,
   and balsamic vinegar.

****'s gonna come,
   and it's gonna have the whiff
of strawberry fields.
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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