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Aug 2017
It would take them about an hour to realize I wasn't coming home from work
My father left me a truck and a full tank of gas
My house is two miles in a near straight line
But there are three highways 350 feet away and I could go 25 to 90 in seconds
Home must be hundreds of miles away
Because it's late but the street lamps look seductive
How easily I could leave it all behind
How hard it would be for anyone to tell which way I went
I turned left at the stoplight
House is a mile away in a straight line
Home is drowning in road signs and streetlights behind me
But it promises ressurect when I lose faith again tomorrow.
I paint, too! My Etsy store:

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Written by
Lydia  18/F/Pennsylvania
       ---, rose, Francie Lynch, JAC and Johnny Scarlotti
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