Rat-tat-tat rizza rap Humble claps for the fab Here's a grab, take a jab I story essay, a sore T ese ... A time without food Those who eat all day will not understand A year without *** Those who always fuel a *** romp will not understand A life without money The excessively wealthy will not understand because it's all been inherited and not earned
This way that, check a glance There is a chance amass Some things that used to happen will never happen because of time Some things that used to happen will happen again because of rare chance Be wise and quick to grab
A time without material things The materialistically endowed will just not understand A series of lifetimes in the Light, darkness they just will not understand A man goes to prison for something he has not done, the one who always gets away with crimes will never know what it means to pay the price
When position is more important than responsibility, honour they will not understand When killing the egoic mind frees the carefree, life after death they will not understand When sibling rivalry takes precedence over mediating a family in shambles, peace they will never speak
When the bible is the only book they have ever read, the other side of the story they will never seek When greatness is all you know and not that your fellow man can also be great, you will never get over yourself When your dreams overwhelm you because they are too big, you shall remain an almost-been
When you don't know when it's time to hand over power to a worthy candidate, justice and transcendence will never be Unaware that you are sinking into being a has-been When political muscle is more important than empowering the subjects of that power, freedom will never sing And souls forget who they are because they've been trapped in a dome They are living baseless lives and don't know their way home They will still call out the tyrannical colonisers by name and be ovlivious to the fact that it has been consistently Rome
A time in the shadows, but all they see and want is glow A time in silence, but all they know is talking about things that change nothing for the better This way that, who has the tag?