Are you happy? I wish I had the distractions at my disposal that you have at yours.
That's all everything is now. Distractions and reminders. I guess I should have known. You were young when we met. You've just grown I bet.
Distract, attract, post-regret. Crying for my desires, lighting a cigarette. Jack Daniel's tears and countless hours reading texts.
In my heart I know you'll always love me. I feel guilty at times hoping it kills you slowly. I'm dying inside and you're not even lonely.
Going through your facebook pictures became an issue. Never thought I'd grieve only thought I'd miss you. Tonight a piece of me is missing. I just want to hold you.
This sting, this grief of love lost. Penetrates my bones, It sets my balance off. And I told you I care! I always cared. I should have been there.
Read this and beware, I can't hold on forever. I'll be gone and living better than ever, wishing I gave you back your ******* sweater.