With a heart that has been shattered and rebuilt to many times, I now move on. With hopes that have been cast aside and reborn I now go my way. With sorrow as my only friend, I now go into that good night. With nothing left to offer and no sacrifices left to make, I lay down my banner. Having been battered and beaten by life's battles and worn out and weighted down by the journey, I now surrender. The fight is over and the enemy has won the day. Love has been lost and hope is a foreign language that I no longer speak. I cannot live, I can only exist. The earth is salted with my weeping and the hollows echo with my wails. Now at the end of everything I leave the fight. With nothing left to hold me back, I relinquish all desire to start over. I shall simply limp away with what dignity I can muster and no more answer compassion's call. Let each person do as they will and find what ever comfort they can, for I have no love or mercy to give. With an utter longing for the curtain to fall and the veil of night to find me, I go away broken and defeated, for I have no more tears to cry.