I left home when i was still young, and free it didn't feel anything ever since i hear stories of my homeland--of her occupants the journey hasn't been easy 'home'--i felt, is void it's at a different level; under new lights and dimensions everything else migrate too, whales, fishes and all these beautiful creatures but 'always together' unlike them--i migrated alone, mankind can't be together, too much divisions too many things to separate from each of us; boundaries communities, religion, region language and culture each thinking 'better than others' 'us vs them' thoughts that killed million but i migrated..alone thinking it's safe place--'earth'. it is, in my mind.. yet i keep thinking what am i supposed to do? Where am I? This old stubborn anxiety, of self-doubts paves a way in me i see all passions, and dreams branching out of me like a leaf from trees, constantly tested by its fear.. my heart, but, resembles like a weak, trembling thing that knows no way, to give up which will define a new route for my life.