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Aug 2017
In our youth we seek to learn; to
Learn from our experience how to
Live ,Β Β live longer, live happier and
With all that we learn we move step
By step closer to old age and our own
Mortality-then the only thing we seek
Is how we may restore our youth and
To do that we must learn to forget. As
One overloaded with survival gear who
Cannot flee he the lion unless he drop
His heavy load; all his hard won gain
To know with an innocent mind that
He will never die aloneΒ Β is the antidote
That can restore the body to its spirit.
Oh Sweet bird of youth we never knew
You were our last and greatest treasure
Bird you never were but my soul alone
Where untutored still I freely believed
Soared in my heart to the truth of love
Written by
David Bernard Scully  75/M/South Florida
(75/M/South Florida)   
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