Every night I die in an airplane Beads of sweat fall like rain Every night I die in a plane crash I wake up feeling like plain trash Because every night my plane dives into the ocean I can't believe the virtual reality of the motion All my friends and family are there I watch them drown Leaving me marooned at sea The river Styx of my dreams I wake up marooned at bed Swimming in a sea of sweat None of my friends and family are there And my adrenaline nightmares keep me scared Because if I fall asleep It's a nosedive I reap
Every night I die in an airplane Why is this image so ingrained? Every night I die in a plane crash Pressure crushes me to plain ash Because every night my plane flies into a mountain The passenger's blood fills my eyes like fountains All my friends and family are there I watch them burn Leaving me stranded in the hills of hell Until I understand the pills too well I wake up stranded in bed Buried in an avalanche of sweat None of my friends and family are there And my reality has begun to tear When I keep dying in my dreams My mentality rips at the seams
Every night I die in an airplane Why must my mind be so untame? Every night I die in a plane crash And my life becomes a plain flash Because every night my plane flips upside down As my useless body is tossed round and round All my friends and family are there I watch them get mangled Leaving me to die at high speeds With corpses that profusely bleed I wake up dying in bed Flipped face down in a pool of sweat None of my friends and family are there I begin to wonder if they even care Because I watch them die every night It makes me love them more Because I watch them die every night My life becomes a chore But there's nothing for death to reclaim When I'd just cross over to another plane