I was taught to write poetry not by man, nor educationally. We never had the money; spent most of what we had, to feed each belly in our homestead.
Life was hard, but became not an excuse, though our circumstances differed, but our stories all related, when written down; this pain became our muse
Our eyes drew energy from our surroundings, and we used our struggle as inspiration. Our words told a story the same as paintings, defining who we were, despite our miseducation.
I was told to write poetry, so our descendants may know our history, so that our heritage may not be forsaken. Immortalizing words already spoken.
Our voice when we're no longer around. We wrote because we loved creativity, and this helped us even in times of captivity. It was our cry when we couldn't make a sound.
I was tempted to write poetry, to express what it meant to be free.